
Chiddy : You’ve been creating art for almost your whole life, what motivates and drives you to create more and explore new concepts?


“I have been, my mom was very supportive of my creative nature growing up, she let it flourish with putting me in art/acting classes since age 7; leading me to take several art classes at SFCC starting at the age of 14 and onwards into media arts/photography, fashion, etc.

I feel like human nature/nature in general is my biggest drive, the good and bad. Something will domino affect an idea; causing me a feeling that I have to create, to communicate back to the world what I observed it to be, or how it felt. I feel that’s the most beautiful aspect to art/artists. That unique nature. We could all be making the same thing, but the products would all be different. Diversity is key. 

The “concept” of new concepts is a trickier question; there really isn’t such a thing as a new concept, truly. So I just always try to keep doing things in my own way. Some people like it, some don’t. And that seems to be art in itself, as well.“


Chiddy : What would you say is your favorite medium to express your perspective on i.e. modeling , fashion , photography and why?

Mecca :

“I have always been a painter/photographer at heart, I’d say. Modeling was more of a way to find out more about photography. I was really grateful for the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops for letting me model so much for them, and basically be sitting in on amazing instructors who were running the game. I picked up a lot. 

Fashion and style were always apart of me, I was always wearing the most out there/outrageous things as a kid, and moving onto my teens. I was the girl with drawn on converse, and jeans; with ribbons braided in my hair, and random “mementos” of loved ones stuck in my there, as well. 

But my absolute favorite would have to be dance. It has always been the easiest way of expressing myself, it plays into my modeling highly. Movement reads different, or hits different; in comparison to just being posed. I tried to remember that throughout my modeling, remembering fluidity has always been a theme of my life. “


Chiddy : How do you think dancing and using the mindset of fluidity has helped/guided you in life and in your passions ?

Mecca :

“Well in dance it keeps me present, out of my head, I stay in connection with my body, rather than thinking about the next move, and when people talk to me about how I dance it’s always “you move like water” Or something to that extent. 

I think it’s just always been more natural to me to flow. So I think I’ve made it a very interesting life lesson, “flow”, it’s something that’s natural for me but I tend to push it away like it isn’t. And that’s when the flow just flops and you can tell, it shows. It showed up in my health. 

When you’re in ailment with self, when you’re feeling the fluidity of energy. I think it shows the most. It translates in the most real way to others, so that they want to facilitate that for themselves as well or they wanna try that in their own way! Which is the most inspiring I think. 

I’m all about feelings, capturing them, feeling them, distributing them, etc. fluidity of self is realizing you’re One with everything, and to treat every experience/person as if it was you or the ones you love. It’s all about love. 

And that’s truly what had guided me the most/ kept me the most connected to life, to my art, to my inner flow. “


Chiddy : With you having experience with multiple facets of art. What advice would you give someone struggling or trying to find inspiration to go and create art?

Mecca :

“I’d say, to be gentle with yourself. I heard somewhere that even the down times, where you really don’t feel creative at all, and you aren’t creating, is still a huge part of the creative process. That stuck with me. 

The lulls in life, energy, flow, creativity, whatever it is, IS okay. It helps us grow and become better at what we do. Just keep thinking about your art, your creations, the possibilities, manifest it. Bring it into your viewscape, and then when you’re ready you’ll know, and it’ll happen. Let it flow. Don’t press yourself about it, but keep creating goals; and small goals help you to achieve large goals. Keep pushing against the grain.”


Chiddy :That’s some solid advice! Lastly where can people follow you and your art on social media and do you have anything people should look for?


You can follow me on my Instagram, @meccamovinglight, @meccamodeling. Clothes I’m making and selling, on Depop @pixie1505 

VSCO will have full sets of shoots that aren’t available on Instagram @meccamovinglight 

Also my website 

Be on the look out for me in your dms tryna take your picture for a future digital magazine project.
